The Lowdown on What Happened with SHB & BLoodshot REcords. WE STILL ROCKIN’ !!
Hey everybody!! It’s been awhile (actually years!) since I posted a news article here on The pandemic shook things up alot, and made it very difficult to continue day to day efforts on the site and in other areas of the music industry, in general. However, things are starting to come back into order. You may have noticed that the merch store has been sold out of alot of items in the last couple years, and things just haven’t been exactly in the best organization. Rest assured the site store will be restocked in the near future, (There are still some great merchandise in stock on there!) For now, I just want to kinda explain what’s been going on, and what’s instore for the future of The Dirty Old One Man Band!!
In the months after the 2020 quarantine started, I found out rather indirectly on facebook, that my label, Bloodshot Records, was either being sold to another company or possibly closing it’s doors for good. I was also informed, shortly after that, there would be little to zero promotion efforts for my 2020 release Fever Dreams! This was, unfortunately, very true, as I’ve seen on several occasions where hardcore SHB fans, didn’t even know that the Fever Dreams record existed! Sucks, because I feel like it’s one of my best albums to date, and alot of people were just unaware!
Well, in 2021 Bloodshot Records was, indeed, bought by another company. Now that things are settling, the new label partners, and myself are hard at work to get the machine oiled and running smoothly. Bloodshot Records should be back up and fully running with new website, and new label c0ntacts etc, sometime this Fall ‘22! There are ZERO people of the original Bloodshot staff working there anymore. Please be patient while we navigate our new artist/label relationship and get back on track!
Also, please keep an eye out for new releases, coming soon! We’ll probably be releasing a single in early 2023, and a complete full new album by the summer! I’m excited to be working with some fresh new faces, with some fresh new insights, and more than anything, I’m excited to get you guys some new music!!
See ya out there on the road!!!
Don’t forget to follow me on
Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok, Twitter, and Youtube!!